
Tape cutting machine features and uses
Tape cutting machine features and uses
The tape slitting machine adopts four-wheel automatic exchange coiling, continuous winding, improving working efficiency, variable frequency stepless adjustment, three-stage counter configuration, automatic deceleration, high-speed running, unwinding, unwinding tension, pneumatic brake control, and winding tension Control, equipped with clutch and reel independent sliding device, can adjust the tension and expand the wheel to a unique bow design, completely eliminate the wrinkling of the tape during the feeding process. The industrial blade is suitable for the stripping operation of BOPP tape.
The tape slitting machine is suitable for the production of BOPP/kraft paper/label paper/cloth base/PET/release paper and other adhesive products.
同仁县| 永州市| 洮南市| 汉阴县| 临漳县| 大安市| 松原市| 赤城县| 西平县| 邵阳县| 伊宁县| 宁德市| 米林县| 南召县| 安远县| 抚顺县| 呈贡县| 清流县| 黎川县| 开江县| 博野县| 东丽区| 新兴县| 泸溪县| 泌阳县| 永仁县| 乡城县| 建宁县| 双鸭山市| 崇州市| 宁强县| 南乐县| 盘锦市| 蒙自县| 龙口市| 巨鹿县| 彭州市| 东平县| 长顺县| 大宁县| 南召县|